Happy Birthday To Goner!
Goner Records Memphis Record Stores Tourism

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GONER! Goner opened on February 29, 2004. We had performances from top local acts Jenny Jeans and Lost Sounds. There was a lot more space, and a lot less records. We had taken over the space from Greg Cartwright's Legba Records store, as he and his family were moving to Asheville, North Carolina. It was a perfect fit. Eric had been doing mail order and the Goner label since 1993, but with the actual storefront Zac and Eric were able to ramp up retail both in the store and through mailorder, and really concentrate on the record...
Goner Records Memphis Record Store Day Ryan Hailey TN

Our funny friend Ryan Hailey made a funny video for Record Store Day!Check it out. As usual, Billups steals the show. Thanks Ryan!
Happy Thanksgiving from Goner Records

We appreciate your support. THANK YOU!
GONERFEST FEATURE on Back To The Light Podcast w/ JD Reager!
GF18 Goner Records GONERFEST 18 Memphis

GONERFEST POODCAST c/o JD Reager at Back To The Light!Listen on Spotify Apple Podcasts Stitcher or via the Back To the Light Website!Hear Eric say all kinds of things! And listen to some Gonerfest tunes. Hooray!Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Stitcher: website:
Michael Beach - Dream Violence Out Now- Reviews!
Goner Records Melbourne Memphis Michael Beach

Reviews are coming in! Dislocation and anxiety course through Michael Beach’s fourth solo album, endowing both his woolly guitar rockers and thoughtful piano ballads with an undercurrent of dread. While that’s a relatively familiar feeling in light of the past year, those doomy vibes lend thematic heft to the Melbourne-based songwriter’s cathartic approach. Right from the opening ‘Irregardless’, which announces its clanging tunefulness for nearly two and a half minutes before Beach finally begins to sing, he seems to be circling the idea of our hopes being unceremoniously dashed. He sings about “dreaming of an imaginary past” and “oblivion calling...