Europa My Mirror
This is the first book from New Orleans musician and inventor Quintron—a short, multi-layered tome that pays tribute to a dangerous life on the road. The setting is Europe, but the book is just as much about the illusions of American identity. A not-so-glamorous life of rock ’n’ roll is pulled apart to reveal blood vessels that run beneath the obvious. The tales are funny and thrilling and mostly true... someone almost dies on every page. Renowned puppeteer and filmmaker Panacea Theriac (aka Miss Pussycat) contributes drawings throughout. Foreward by novelist and psychoanalyst Tim Lachin.
“If Dr. Frankenstein were working with raw material from Madame Curie, Delia Derbyshire, James Brown, and Wilhelm Reich, the result might be something like Quintron. Underground inventor, composer, record maker, impresario, and performer par excellence. There is nothing and no one like him and this is his first book and it’s a gas!” —Ian Svenonious
“Great reading! Microtel description was right on. Stockholm to Helsinki ferry was always a Dead Moon curse. How do you get 86’d out of a cafeteria? Way cool.” —Fred Cole, Dead Moon