St. Paul and the Broken Bones - Angels in Science Fiction

St. Paul and the Broken Bones - Angels in Science Fiction

Spese di spedizione calcolate al momento del pagamento.

  1. Chelsea
  2. City Federal Building
  3. Magnolia Trees
  4. Sea Star
  5. Heat Lightning
  6. Angels in Science Fiction
  7. Wolf in Rabbit Clothes
  8. South Dakota
  9. Oporto-Madrid Blvd
  10. Lonely Love Song
  11. Easter Bunny
  12. Marigold


Angels in Science Fiction was written in the span of a few weeks after Paul Janeway learned that his wife was pregnant with their daughter, Marigold. Following the examples set by greats like Aristotle, William James and John Steinbeck, Janeway penned the album as a series of letters to his then-unborn daughter.

“A few people told me it would be a good idea to write letters to my yet to be born daughter before she arrived into the world,” says Janeway. “That is what Angels in Science Fiction is. Themes throughout the album are faith, nature vs nurture, anxiety and beauty. This is a record I would have written whether I did this for a living or not. I don’t know if those records come along all the time.”