GONER PODCAST #1: Dr Pete Larson (Bulb Records, Dagoretti Records, PHD in Epidemiology)

aaron dilloway ann arbor bulb records couch dagoretti records garage rock Goner Records grandmaster massesse Memphis no wave noise nyatiti podcasts pterodactyls punk


Eric from Goner talks to Dr Pete Larson from Bulb Records and Dagoretti Records about his journey through the underground music scene from the 80s til now. Included: Couch, Prehensile Monkey-Tailed Skink, Pterodactyls, Tower Records, The Importance of Record Labels, Nairobi music scene, the Nyatiti, snakes, and the importance of wearing masks. A good talk!

Here's a quick 5 minute video version...

and here's a bunch of BULB & DAGORETTI Records and images to watch while you listen.

NOTE: Audio is a bit sketchy, we shall improve. ENJOY!


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