(GNN) Coronavirus chronicles #3 , featuring Isaac Reyes, Rob Sarchuk, Dr Mike Lamphere, and Scott Rogers with Tony Daytona.
A few more check ins from across the land. Hope you are doing all right. Please stay safe, healthy, and creative. Check in if you can!
Drink a beer with Lenguas Largas' ISAAC REYES during playback...
"Here’s a lockdown jam I made in lockdown. See you at Gonerfest."
ROB SARCHUK sports some vintage Gonerfest gear... |
...checking in with my Gonerfest 3 Super 3D glasses on , CDC approved ! See ya in September at the Gazebo!
Dr MIKE LAMPHERE checks in from Colorado Springs (with some nice Memphis posters in the band room!)
Riding this out in the basement and playing music with the kids. Quarantine Rocks.
That’s 11 year old Jonno on Bass and 14 year old Michael on Drums.

TONY DAYTONA accompanies World Scott Rogers on long hauls and short.
And that's all for now!
Thanks to all contributors!
If you want to make a contribution, send it in! Can't guarantee we'll use anything, but we would love to see what you're up to. Show us your neighborhood! Play us a song. Cook us a dish.
Shoot it over to Gonernews@gmail.com.
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