Terry Reed - On Way To Alpha LP [Zaius Tapes]

Terry Reed - On Way To Alpha LP [Zaius Tapes]

Super hard-hitting echoed loner psych from, of all places, mid-70s NASHVILLE! I mean, not "HARD-HITTING" but, like, it hits ya hard. Cause you got soft spots, too, tough guys. 
People who don't dig this are most of the problem, man.

Dr Zaius says:
Nashville's Terry Reed-he being neither Jerry Reed nor Terry Reid-self released his 'On Way To Alpha' mini album into this universe sometime in 1975 as a 7". While novel in formant, Reed's fantastical, solitudinarian take on inchoate, Psychedelic expression is uncannily impressive. Gentle psych, loner psych, however you choose to approach it, this aural nug is a giver of tremendous reward. Little seems to be known about Reed, or this release, via the interwebs & original copies rarely turn up. So I will roll the spiffiest of spliffs in homage to the keen, curatorial scholarship of Johann Klepp & Zaius Tapes. He says this is the second volume in an American Loner series (the 1st being the Hams 12") & I eagerly await volume 3. One time edition of 200. FFO; Bobb Trimble, Terry Brooks, Simones, S.T Mikael.

Ifand Orbuts
Durban Poison Sativa Institute
Corn Puss Gap, Jamaica