Radio Dies Screaming #1 zine
New venture from Jay Hinman of SUPERDOPE / DYNAMITE HEMORRHAGE fame... another quality zine full of thoughtful thoughts on subterranean sounds from all over, accent on the disjointed and semi-difficult. Got Jay out to Gonerfest this year and got a mention in the mag (in Feeling Figures review) and I think he got his Water Damage interview in Memphis. All right! Love it when it all comes together.
44-page B&W, digest sized, no ads.
Great reads, would make a great Stocking Stuffer!
Here's how Jay described the mag:
- WATER DAMAGE: an interview with one of our recent decade's musical revelations. Water Damage’s pieces...songs...REELS are usually clocking in at the 20-35 minute timeframe. Theirs is a music of the eternal, the enveloping; the locked-in unimind; the comforting, heavy blanket of drone and repetition. 5 members of the band explain how it all comes together in a pithy Q&A.
- HISHAM MAYET and BULBOUS MONOCLE: we're big fans of Hisham Mayet and his Bulbous Monocle label’s efforts to excavate, illuminate and re-introduce to the world the odd and offbeat San Francisco musical underground of the late 1980s and 1990s. Starting with a quartet of out-of-print or otherwise uncollected Thinking Fellers Union Local 282 records, Bulbous Monocle has some big plans and a set of aesthetic interests that are pretty goddamn compelling, so we took the time to talk with Mayet – who already runs Sublime Frequencies and a couple of other spin-off imprints – about the label, his “journey” and a few other items of interest.
- MIXCLOUD RADIO CURATORS: discussions with the creators of five of our favorite radio programs right about now. Each curates a weekly show on a more-or-less terrestrial radio station, but then posts them on Mixcloud where folks who don’t live in Rochester, or Sacramento, or Philadelphia, or Anchorage, or San Francisco - can hear them. If you’re like me, and especially if this is how you too stay abreast of what’s happening, you’ll be interested in what it says about the state of “radio” in 2024-25.
Plus 25+ record reviews and many photos and an untold number of opinions on things.